Friday, November 25, 2011

What are your tips for making marriage work?

What should I do before getting married?What are your tips for making marriage work?
1st you should make sure that he/she is the person you want to marry.For better or worst, richer or poor. etc.. Marriage is not a game it is hard work.I married my HS sweetheart I have been with him and only him since I was 16 i';m now 44 we will be married for 25 yrs this Oct 6 and 3 kids later.But marriage is what you make it, it's not always going to be peaches and cream.Communicate, respect,trust are the main ingredients to a successful marriage it worked for me.What are your tips for making marriage work?
Tips I would give are to always COMMUNICATE. After one gets married, I see that people fall in the trap of being too complacent.

Think of a marriage like a Sport. Like any 'sport' if we want to be good at it, we always have to work at it. To improve at it, make it really good, or too even maintain the standards.

Once compacency steps in, we start working at it less and less, it won't be the same as before.
I'm not sure marriage can work to be honest. Marriage is like getting a tattoo it always seems like a good idea at the time.

A few tips:

-Marry when you are older and more mature. Sow your wild oats before you get married.

-Ask yourself why you are getting married and do you really want this?

-Can you be faithful to this one person for the rest of your life?

-Be done with school and be able to make a good living. Having money will help you in marriage.

-Don't go to bed angry.

-Think twice about co-signing with your partner. Do you trust this person with your credit score and paying off bills? If you co-sign you are responsible for the bill.

-Talk about finances, religion and children before you get married.

-Make it on your own before getting married. Are you marrying for security reasons or do you really want to be with this one person forever?

-Treat your partner like your best friend and not a momma or financial provider. Treat your partner in a loving and kind way.

-Show them that you love them by telling them and doing nice things for each other.
The number one thing imho is to learn how to fight fair before you get married. The two of you will argue, disagree, etc., and how you behave when this happens is key. I know couples who curse each other out, bring up things that happened four years ago, and attack the other's weaknesses. In other words treat their spouses worse than any stranger would. If the two of you learn how to fight fair, by setting ground rules such as no calling names, allow each other the chance to go off and cool down for a few min., no yelling, no interrupting, etc. you will find that working things out to be easier, and feel like you respect one another's opinions.
Agree to be HIGHLY flexible. Realize you will get bored with other sometimes and that you won't always meet 100% of each others needs. Leave the possessiveness and jealousy out.

I have had affairs with married women and I can tell you that they, and their husbands, would be wayyyyy happier if the just agreed beforehand to separate love and sex.
Prepare yourself..!!!!!! Ask yourself the following:

1-What do I expect from the relationship?

2-What am I willing to do to achieve these goals?

3-When should divorce be an option?

4-Would a prenup help ease friction within the relationship?

After you have answered these questions; discuss them with your fiancee' and come to a complete understanding and agreement on what you BOTH expect from each other. If you and he still want to get married after you do this; all should go well.
It's easy. All you have to do is marry the right guy. Don't go after someone controlling, demeaning, or demanding. Find the guy who opens doors for you. Find the guy who puts your needs above his time and time again. Date for at least 2 years before getting married. If possible, live together. You learn more about someone from living with them for a week then you do from dating for years.
Make sure your goals are the same. Different goals destroy marriages.
If the other person does not make you feel the things I list they are probably not marriage material for you.

Strong willed, Strong minded, sexy, secure, loved,respected, adored.

For real...
Communicate, laugh a lot, like each other as friends as well as lovers.

My husband is my best friend.
Mutual respect and compromise.

Keep third parties out of your business too.

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