Friday, July 30, 2010

How many times has marriage been redefined in American history?

Or even in European history.

When could people of opposite races begin marrying each other?

Polygamy, gay marriage, etc...How many times has marriage been redefined in American history?
It depends what you mean by 'redefined'.

In Western culture, until very recently, marriage has been the permanent or at least long-term and stable union of one man and one woman. This was of course a norm in the ancient Mediterranean and more recently a Judaeo-Christian one. not accepted by some other cultures.

Within this general pattern, marriage, and the roles within it, have of course constantly changed over the centuries. This could be called 'redefinition' - for instance when the norm of both partners working, though at different tasks, around the farm or holding gave way to the later pattern of a workinghusband and a stay-at-home wife and then to the modern pattern where increasingly both partners have paid employment outside the home. Other adjustments are also constantly occurring: for instance, marriages are now made and maintained for ';love'; - i.e. for sex and affection - not as often, in earlier centuries, for financial or political gain.

More radical redefinitions are now proposed, and here and there law and custom has actually changed. In the Western world, some Islamic groups apart, marriages involving multiple partners have never been, and are not accepted. Same-sex marriage is the flavour of the month, and many countries have accepted it or smething similar. There has never been a general bar on interracial marriage, though some American states tried this rule for a while. Marriages where the partners have different religions have often been forbidden by religious groups, but it is rare to find a formal legal prohibition, and indeed it would be hard to police such a ban. The increasing acceptance of such marriages also involves a redefinition - namely, the gradual elimination of the religious component in marriage as generally conceived.

Perhaps the greatest redefinition is in the duration of marriage. 100 years ago, marriage was seen as being for the lifetime of the couple. Exceptions were rare. Now, divorce is easy, and marriage is seen as lasting just until one of the partners has a change of heart.

Hope this helps.How many times has marriage been redefined in American history?
Marriage has always been dictacted as between a man and a woman, because the world has been mainly christian over the centuries and that's what the bible says. Polygamy still falls under the category of man and woman, just man and woman and woman and woman, etc.
Polygamy stopped being allowed when Jesus Christ became an influence in the world. Gay marriage started around the 20th century. I think interracial marriages started sometime after WW2.

I don't know what's next.


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