Tuesday, August 24, 2010

What countries only accept sharia marriage?

For instance I think in Egypt, you have to be married both ways-religiously and legaly.

Maybe Saudi?What countries only accept sharia marriage?
Every theocracy out there And NO, it is not EnglandWhat countries only accept sharia marriage?
No country that a person would want to live in.

Countries that are controlled by religion are always backwards and poor - unless we send them oil money. Then they are backwards and rich.

Separation of church and state is what has allowed Western Civilization to progress beyond pettiness into freedom.
Sharia marriage what is Jupiters name is that?

Sharia marriage did she said?

that to me means naught,

if she wants my understanding

clarify this question pray.
I only know about the hell hole Saudi Arabia but maybe some other countries in that area do as well.
I guess many many specially in Asia !
as far as i no..saudia arabia...asnd other muslim countries....
Most theocracies, which happen to be in the Middle East.

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